Aides financières


If you are a jobseeker, Pôle Emploi (France’s public entity for employment) can grant you a professional mobility allowance if you are starting training, looking for a job or going back to work.


If you are a salaried employee relocating professionally and the firm hiring you pays contributions to Action Logement (a French public scheme whereby employers financially contribute to housing construction, loans and guarantees) or employs more than ten people, you can request financial support from Action Logement: a dedicated advisor will help you look for housing and make your arrival easier. This support is financed by the Aide Mobili-Pass allowance that also covers certain expenditure on mobility (loan with a 1% interest rate).


•The CAF (France’s public agency for family welfare allowances) can grant you a relocation allowance if your family has to move to new accommodation on the occasion of a birth
•Your employer can also help you if your company’s collective labour agreement includes a relocation bonus.
•When a civil servant is given a new job position, their relocation costs can be covered (through an allowance for a change in residency)


Several schemes exist and often depend on your income:
•Action Logement can finance your security deposit with Avance Loca-Pass, a loan with a 0% interest rate.
•The VISALE scheme ensures you can provide your lessor with a reliable guarantee: it is a scheme free of charge that provides financial guarantees from Action Logement (a French public scheme whereby employers financially contribute to housing construction, loans and guarantees) for salaried employees who rent private housing and that thereby secures the lessor’s rental income in the event of the tenant not paying their rent (including charges).
•The CAF (France’s public agency for family welfare allowances) also grants various housing allowances that make it possible for people to pay their rent.

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